
6 Important Qualities of a Successful Hybrid Business

Businesses have come a long way from the Spring of 2020 when remote working was thrust on us. Hybrid is the name of the game now, but we are collectively still learning how to leverage this new way of working to its fullest potential. Lots of businesses have committed fully to remote and hybrid working. We spoke with TechQuarters, a London-based company that has been providing IT support Law Firms and other kinds of businesses have relied on for over 10 years – in that time, they helped many of their clients adapt to hybrid working. But what are the qualities of a truly successful hybrid business?

6 Important Qualities of a Successful Hybrid Business

Hybrid Working for Business

The benefits of hybrid working are many and varied – but at its core, it is all about empowering the workforce to be as productive as they can, by giving individuals the flexibility needed to manage their work-life balance. According to TechQuarters, whose work providing IT support Legal firms and other types of organisations has given them great insight into how work is changing with hybrid work, businesses that have been successful in implementing it have certain qualities in common. Below are some examples of the top qualities that help with hybrid working.

  1. Employee Engagement

Hybrid workplaces should have just as much employee engagement as on-premises workplaces – and people are starting to understand that physical proximity does not define engagement. Employees need the right tools for their work, they need to understand what their responsibilities are, and they need to be seen and recognised in the organisation. These are all ingredients for employee engagement.

  1. Lateral Communications

There used to be times when businesses relied on top-down communications, where information trickled down from the C-suite. This approach to communication does not work with hybrid working. Instead, organisations should affect flat communication so that leaders speak directly with every employee.

  1. Employee Empathy

Work does not happen in a vacuum, and therefore businesses need to acknowledge and make room for the human experience of their employees. Managers and leaders will find that their staff are more motivated and engaged if they lead with empathy.

  1. Company Community

Community is crucial to hybrid work, and just like employee engagement, it is not reliant on office attendance. There are many ways in which a business can nurture a sense of community in remote and hybrid settings. For instance, TechQuarters has found success with company-wide meetings involving quizzes, competitions, and show-and-tell sessions open to employees.

  1. Time Management

Whether a business is remote, hybrid, or on-premise, time management is hugely important. Structuring days to get the most out of the time you have is important – for instance, making time for deep focus, vs. time for brainstorming and collaboration is important.

  1. Employee Recognition

Giving credit where credit is due is so important for the engagement of employees because it makes sure that they know that their contributions are appreciated. In hybrid settings, it may be more likely that businesses overlook some employees.

  1. Flexible Teamwork

In their time providing IT support North London businesses rely on, TechQuarters has seen extensively how technology improves flexibility, and how flexibility benefits teamwork. Hybrid working is defined by its use of technology, so businesses should be mindful of ensuring that the technology they use is serving their workforce by offering that flexibility.

  1. Meetings: Quality, not Quantity

As most businesses that were affected by COVID-19 will be able to attest to, meetings have become very important to people’s work. In fact, in some businesses, the amount of meetings has spiralled out of control. The best hybrid businesses are very mindful of the number of meetings they have – instead of filling their days with meetings, these businesses fill their meetings with value, via 

The most successful hybrid businesses give attention to certain qualities that define their work and company culture.
